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Training That Makes a Difference
CIRFIT Health and Wellbeing is a fun, friendly, inclusive class setting which is non-profit. Donating to a different charity monthly we use our activity to actively give back to our community.
CIRFIT came about after a wonderful local lady decided to change directions in her goal of helping others and kindly offered us her Spin and weight equipment to continue our classes. Classes consist of Spin bike and circuit exercises using an array of equipment in different exercises.
Now, each month we are able to proudly donate to a worthy cause, being a charity, club or group in need of a helping hand. Starting in June 2020 with the Waipu Cycle/Walkway, we have now helped over 20 charities, clubs and people in need with our classes.
Class Pricing
10 minutes Spin,
35 minutes Boxing.
Combining a mix of boxing movements suitable for all levels of experience and fitness.
Access to all equipment in a supported & safe environment to work at your level & pace.
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